International Physicians
for the Prevention of Nuclear War

Aiming for Prevention Helsinki Conference, 2001

Aiming for Prevention: International Medical Conference on Small Arms, Gun Violence and Injury, Helsinki, Finland, September 28-30, 2001

Friday, September 28: Investigating the Health Consequences of Small Arms

Opening Plenary

Dr. Ilkka Taipale, Member of Parliament, Finland, and Vice-President of PSR-Finland [PDF]

Hon. Erkki Tuomioja, Foreign Minister, Finland [PDF]

H.E. Stephen Brady, Ambassador of Australia to Finland

Mr. Fady Aziz Azer, Medical Student, Suez Canal University, Egypt

Dr. Ulrich Gottstein, IPPNW-Vice President Europe emeritus, IPPNW-Germany [PDF]

Session I: Magnitude and Consequences, Existing Knowledge

Chair: Prof. Wendy Cukier, Small Arms Firearms Education and Research Network (SAFER Net), Canada

Dr. Etienne Krug, Director, Department for Violence and Injury Prevention, World Health Organization, Geneva [PDF]

Prof. Jouko Lönnqvist, Researcher, National Public Health Institute, Finland [PDF]

Dr. Owens Wiwa, African Environment and Human Development Agency (AFRIDA), Nigeria

Questions & Answers: Session 1 [PDF]

Session II: Data Sources and Tools For Research

Chair:Mr. Robert Muggah, Researcher, Small Arms Survey, Geneva

Dr. David Meddings, Epidemiologist, International Committee of the Red Cross, Geneva [PDF]

Ms. Stephanie Burrows, Researcher, UNISA Institute for Social and Health Sciences, South Africa

Dr. Stephen Hargarten, Director, Firearms Injury Center, USA [PDF]

Questions & Answers: Session 2 [PDF]

Session III: Country Reports

Introduction: The St. Petersburg and Leningrad Region, Russia

Colonel Alexandr Alexandrovitsh Kulikov, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Russia [PDF]


Discussion groups by region:

  1. Europe and Asia
  2. Africa, the Middle East and Asia Pacific
  3. The Americas

Session IV: Working Groups

Evening Reception

Opening remarks by Ms. Cora Weiss, President, Hague Appeal for Peace, New York [PDF]


Saturday, September 29

Prevention: Analysis, Policies, and Projects

Summary of Previous Day’s Country Reports and Working Groups

Chair: Mr. Brian Rawson, Program Coordinator, IPPNW


Case Example: Colombia

Dr.Nelson Arbleda, Center for Youth Violence Prevention, University of Miami, USA

Session V: Risk Factors

Chair: Dr. Pirjo Helena Mäkelä, Past President of PSR-Finland, National Public Health Institute, Finland


Supply And Availability Of Arms

Presenter: Prof. Wendy Cukier, SAFER-Net

Respondent: Mr. Pieter D. Wezeman, Researcher, Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, Sweden [PDF]

Demand For Arms

Presenter: Mr. Kiflemariam Gebre-Wold, SALIGAD Project Director, Bonn

International Center for Conversion, Germany [PDF]


Dr. David Meddings, ICRC [PDF]

Prof. Alfred McAllister, Professor of Behavioral Sciences, University of Texas, USA [PDF]

Mr. Sharif Kafi, Advisor for Human Rights and Disarmament Affairs, Bangladesh Development Partnership Centre (BDPC) [PDF]

Session VI: Role of the Medical Press

Chair: Mr. John Loretz, Executive Editor, Medicine & Global Survival, IPPNW [PDF]

Dr. Ana Marusic, Editor, Croatian Medical Journal; Incoming President, World Association of Medical Editors (WAME) [PDF]

Dr. Douglas Holdstock, Editor, Medicine, Conflict and Survival, UK [PDF]

Dr. Jack Piachaud, Associate Editor, Medicine, Conflict and Survival, UK [PDF]

Session VII: Prevention: Approaches to Controlling Availability

Chair: Mr. João Honwana, Chief, Conventional Arms Branch, Department of Disarmament Affairs, United Nations, New York

Ms. Lora Lumpe, Senior Associate, Norwegian Initiative on Small Arms Transfers (NISAT) [PDF]

Mr. Greg Puley, Project Coordinator, Arias Foundation for Peace and Human Progress, Costa Rica [PDF]

Dr. Mick North, Gun Control Network, UK [PDF]

Session VIII: Linking Medical Evidence With Policy Creation

Chair: Dr. Ian Maddocks, IPPNW-Australia, Chairman of the Board of IPPNW

Ms. Ya Ching Lin, Epidemiologist, Nonviolence International Southeast Asia [PDF]

Mr. Rubem Cesar Fernandes, Director, Viva Rio, Brazil [PDF]

Dr. Antoine Chapdelaine, Safety Promotion Specialist, Quebec Center for Public Health, Canada

Session IX: Working Groups


Sunday, September 30: Call to Action

Summary of Saturday Working Groups

Chair: Mr. Brian Rawson, IPPNW

Session X: Prevention: Medical and Humanitarian Action

Chair: Ms. Cate Buchanan, Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue, Geneva

Dr. Olive Kobusingye, Director, Injury Control Center, Uganda [PDF]

Ms. Lieke Van De Wiel, Project Officer, UNICEF, New York [PDF]

Session XI: A Medical Call to Action

Chair:Dr. Vappu Taipale, former Minister of Health, Finland; PSR-Finland

Dr. Eugenie Chazov, Academician, Cardiologist, co-founder of IPPNW, Russia

Mr. João Honwana, Department of Disarmament Affairs, United Nations [PDF]

Mr. Rubem Cesar Fernandes, International Action Network on Small Arms (IANSA) [PDF]

Dr. Ian Maddocks, IPPNW-Australia [PDF]


Friday, September 28: Working Groups

Agenda For Future Research [PDF]

Chair: Dr. Etienne Krug, World Health Organization

Terrorism, Retaliation, and Small Arms

Chair: Ms. Lora Lumpe, NISAT

Economic Cost of the Consequences of Small Arms [PDF]

Chair: Mr. Richard Withers, Firearms Injury Center, USA

Guns, Trauma, and Rehabilitation [PDF]

Chairs:Dr. Nalini Kurvey, Indian Institute for Peace, Disarmament, and Environmental Protection

Dr. Jack Piachaud, Medicine, Conflict, and Survival

Humanitarian Action, Campaign Strategies

Chair:Ms. Cate Buchanan, Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue

Working in the Community: Local Interventions For Global Problems [PDF]

Chair:Dr. Donald Gann, American Friends Service Committee, USA


Saturday, September 29: Working Groups

Vulnerable Populations: Women, Children, and Refugees [PDF]

Chair: Dr. Olive Kobusingye, Injury Control Center

Human Insecurity and Demand For Arms

Chair:Dr. David Meddings, ICRC

Framework Convention on Arms Transfers [PDF]

Chair:Mr. Roy Isbister, Saferworld, UK

“Aiming For Prevention” Campaign and Advocacy Tools

Chairs:Ms. Cate Buchanan, Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue

Mr. Brian Rawson

Education: Training For Peace and Non-Violence [PDF]

Chair: Ms. Caecilie Buhmann, IPPNW-Denmark, International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations