IPPNW 2023-2025 Board of Directors

Kati Juva
IPPNW Co-President
Dr. Juva is a specialist in Neurology and University lecturer in Helsinki University Central Hospital, Division of Psychiatry. Her main topics are memory disorders and neuropsychiatry. She has made research on risk factors and epidemiology on dementia. She has also written and edited textbooks on these fields.
Dr. Juva has been a member of PSR-Finland since its beginning in 1982, has served as the chairperson for 12 years and is currently the chair of its peace group. She is the other coordinator of ICAN Finland network. She has written articles and blogs about NATO, nuclear weapons and Finland’s position as a new member of the Nuclear Alliance and articles about deterrence and its unsteadiness, and about the war in Ukraine. She has also written a book about her grandfather, who was a surgeon during WWII and organiser of services for war invalids in Finland.
Dr. Juva is a deputy city counsellor (Green party) in the city of Helsinki and member of the social welfare-, health- and rescue-committee of Helsinki. Her hobbies are reading fiction and picking mushrooms.
Dr. Juva lives in Helsinki and she has two children (now adults) adopted from Ethiopia.

Olga Mironova
IPPNW Co-President
Olga Mironova, MD, PhD, is cardiologist, whose major research interests are myocardial infarction, intensive care and multidisciplinary approach to the treatment of patients with inflammatory bowel diseases, psoriasis and several others, professor of the chair of Faculty Therapy #1 in Sechenov University since 2022, member of Council of mentors of young scientists of the Department of Medical Sceinces of the Russian Academy of Sciences. She has been working as a cardiologist in the acute cardiac care department in Russian Cardiology Research and Production Complex, founded by her grandfather, Eugene Chazov, for many years. Olga Mironova is a member of Eurasian Association of Cardiologists, European Society of Cardiology and European Renal Association-European Dialysis and Transplant Association and speaks English, French, Spanish and Russian languages. Past Russia/CIS Regional Vice-president.
The major scope of work now is to find opportunity for friendly and open dialog between countries and especially showing, how it can be done to the students and young doctors promoting peace, healthy lifestyle, well-being, gender equality and effective partnership in achieving these goals. Dr. Mironova is teaching students from Russia and all over the world both in Russian and in English.

David Onazi
IPPNW Co-President
David Onazi is a Senior Emergency Doctor working with a private hospital based in Abuja, Nigeria. He also serves as the International Councilor for Society of Nigerian Doctors for the Welfare of Mankind (SNDWM)- the Nigerian affiliate of IPPNW since 2014. He joined IPPNW as a student in 2005 and has graced student leadership positions as NSR for Nigeria 2006-2008, RSR for IPPNW Africa 2008-2010 and as ISR 2010 to 2012. David served as an at-large board member 2012 to 2014, during which he served as the deputy chair of the board from 2013 to 2014; he also served as an at-large board member from 2021 to 2023.The high point of his involvement with IPPNW was the presentation to United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon of a petition of signatures by IPPNW doctors worldwide calling for an Arms Trade Treaty at the UN headquarters July 3rd 2012. David also pioneered the IPPNW Nigeria radio education project on armed violence prevention in 2009 that quickly became widely accepted and commended; he is still involved in the radio project. Most recently David was vital in lobbying his country’s key officials to ratify the TPNW in August 2020.
David brings to the IPPNW board a passion to bridge the gap between the global north and south in his contribution to the IPPNW cause. He also seeks to inspire other countries in the global south to sign and ratify the TPNW and to push for universalization of the TPNW . Lastly, he seeks to inspire the Aiming for Prevention campaign in a world with increasing small arms violence.

Carlos Umaña
IPPNW Co-President
Costa Rica
Dr. Umaña is a general practitioner, former local health director, and epidemiological surveillance officer with the Costa Rican Ministry of Health. Serving as IPPNW Co-President, he is also on the ICAN International Steering Group. He is the current president of IPPNW Costa Rica, founder of Artists for Peace (2014) in Costa Rica, and president of the activist group “Peace and Diversity”. He is also the recipient of the 2018 “Alan Turing LGBTIQ Visibility Award” for Social Organization.
Since 2013, he has worked by campaigning and lobbying for awareness on the humanitarian impact of nuclear weapons (HINW) and support for the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW). He has worked closely with governments as part of the Costa Rican delegation in the 2014 NPT PrepCom and the 2015 NPT Review Conference, and has worked with the network of regional peace organizations to organize conferences and roundtables on the HINW and the TPNW.
Regional Vice Presidents

Kelvin Kibet
Regional Vice President (Africa)
Dr Kelvin Kibet, IPPNW Deputy Chair and Regional Vice President for Africa Region. Former International Student Representative 2017 -2020, Africa Student Representative 2015 to 2017. Chairperson Kenyatta University IPPNW Chapter 2016. Published in the Medicine , Conflict and Survival Journal on issues on disarmament, youth and peace. Has given several presentations to young people around the world to young people – India, US, Germany, Rwanda, Tanzania, UK and Malta. He represented medical students and youth at the 2017 Nobel Peace Prize award to ICAN, which IPPNW is a co-founder. Personally, works as a Resident in General Surgery at Machakos Level 5 Hospital in Kenya. He is a director at Medserve Training Institute dedicated to global surgery and capacity building in healthcare systems for safe surgery. His hobbies include hiking (hiked Mt Kilimanjaro for peace 2015 for IPPNW), lawn tennis and networking.

Michael Keem
Regional Vice President (East Asia Pacific)
Dr. Michael Keem is a senior neuropsychiatry registrar currently based in Melbourne, Australia. He completed his Bachelor of Biomedicine in 2011, Doctor of Medicine in 2015, and his Masters of Psychiatry in 2020 at the University of Melbourne, and is currently involved in neuropsychiatry research. He became involved in humanitarian and peace advocacy during his university studies and has been an active member of Medical Association for Prevention of War (MAPW), Australia’s IPPNW affiliate, since joining as a medical student in 2014. Michael has been actively involved in medical education and teaching since 2010. He is a state coordinator and the national secretary of MAPW, and was appointed co-regional vice-president for the East Asia Pacific region, IPPNW in 2021. His clinical and research interests include the neurosciences, public mental health, the neurodevelopmental impacts of trauma, the psychotherapies, and psychoneuroimmunology.

Satoshi Tashiro
Regional Vice President (East Asia Pacific)
Dr. Tashiro is Professor and Director of Research Institute for Radiation Biology and Medicine (RIRBM), Hiroshima University.
He had been to Fukushima just after the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident as a member of the radiation emergency medicine team dispatched from Hiroshima University. He took part in the operation to measure the radioactivity of the thyroid in children there.
Dr. Tashiro graduated from Hiroshima University Medical School and majored in pediatrics. He obtained his Ph.D from Hiroshima University. His main research interests in radiation biology are the mechanisms of chromosome abnormalities including those observed in A-bomb survivors. He is serving as a Vice President of the Japan Radiation Research Society.
He has been a member of JPPNW since 2011 and Secretary General of JPPNW since 2020. He was appointed Regional Vice President (East Asia Pacific Region) of IPPNW and Board Member in 2021.

Marianne Begemann
Regional Vice President (Europe)
My career started in the seventies as a veterinarian (University of Utrecht) working for the World Food and Agriculture Organization. I started working in public health care and specialized in Youth Health Care and vaccination programs.
In 1989 I started to work for the Medical Examination Group (MOG) of Amnesty International Netherlands. I conducted research on the Dutch government’s procedures for requests of Asylum Seekers, and advised the government about the acceptability of the cultural and gender aspects in the Dutch approach. We developed special methods of how to examine an asylum seeker. I became Chair of the Medical Profession Group of Amnesty International Netherlands.
In 1992, I became a Board member of the JWS foundation, an affiliate of the IFHHRO. I specialized in Health and Human Rights through educations by the first UN Rapporteur on the Right to the Highest Attainable Standard of health, Paul Hunt(University of Essex). In 2012, I became a Board member of NVMP (secretary), setting up education programs for medical schools, global health summer school, and now focusing together with Angelika Claussen, how to involve young people in the IPPNW work to create a new ‘European’ generation who will continue the important work of IPPNW. Our current key focuses are; 1) how to create an strategy for nuke free umbrella states, and 2) setting up an global health, Peace and security Academy (a summer school network and program for medical and health care students).

Angelika Claussen
Regional Vice President (Europe)
Dr. Angelika Claussen is a specialist in psychiatry and psychotherapy, and has a Masters degree in Peace Studies. Angelika has been active in IPPNW-Germany since 1981, and was a board member of the German affiliate from 1997-2011. She has been European regional vice-president of IPPNW since 2014. Since 2019 she represents IPPNW Germany in the newly built German coalition “Rethinking security: from military to civil security towards 2040”, where she implements the link between the two major threats of the 21st century: nuclear weapons and climate change.
As part of her IPPNW work, Angelika specializes in radiation health effects and low-level radiation effects. She is the co-author of IPPNW reports on “The health effects of uranium weapons,” “30 years living with Chernobyl—5 years living with Fukushima,” and ”Nuclear power powers the bomb” (papers available on the IPPNW-Europe website). Angelika has also made medical peace work a priority, and is the author of “Peace through health as a modern approach of constructive pacifism.” She has been active in human rights work with refugees from war regions, especially in Iraq and Turkey, and has traveled to Iraq, Kurdistan, and Turkey, monitoring trials of medical human rights defenders, visiting refugee camps, and providing trauma therapy for torture victims and war refugees.

Jans Fromow
Regional Vice President (Latin America)
Dr. Fromow-Guerra graduated “Summa Cum Laude” from the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). He specialized in Ophthalmology and Fellowship in Retina & Vitreous Surgery in the Association for The Prevention of Blindness in Mexico (APEC) and UNAM. Master and Doctor Degree in Medical Sciences and Clinical Research at UNAM. Diploma of Higher Education on Strategic Administration & Business – Iberoamerican University.
Active member of various Mexican ophthalmological and retinal Societies, American Academy of Ophthalmology, Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, European Vitreoretinal Society, Pan-American Association of Ophthalmology, and the American Society of Retina Specialists from which has received an Honor Award en 2006 and Senior Honor Award en 2008.
Dr Fromow-Guerra has published more than 75 published original scientific papers and book chapters. He is currently Chief of the Retina Department and President of the Research Committee at APEC.
He has been an active member of International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War (IPPNW Nobel Peace Prize 1985) since 1991 when he started collaborating as a student. Co-Organizer of the first IPPNW world congress in a developing country. He has served as student representative at the Board of Directors (1993-1995) and since 2000 he is an International Councilor of the organization representing the Mexican affiliate. He was elected Vice-president of IPPNW for Latin-American for the 2008-2009 term. His main areas of interest are the effect of arm spent on health and development, small arm injuries and peace education.

Robert Gould
Regional Vice President (North America)
United States of America
Robert M. Gould, MD graduated from Albert Einstein College of Medicine, and from 1981 until 2012 worked as a Pathologist at Kaiser Hospital in San Jose. Since 2012 Bob has served as an Associate Adjunct Professor in the Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Sciences at the UCSF School of Medicine, working within the UCSF Program on Reproductive Health and the Environment (PRHE). Bob served on the National Board of IPPNW’s US affiliate, Physicians for Social Responsibility from 1993-2023, and served two terms as President, in 2003 and 2014. Bob has also been President of the San Francisco Bay Area Chapter of PSR since 1989. Since 1986, Bob has been a leader of the Peace Caucus of the American Public Health Association, and, in 2009, received the APHA’s prestigious Sidel-Levy Peace Award. Bob is an expert on the environmental and public health impacts of nuclear weapons and contributed to chapters on the health impacts of nuclear weapons and nuclear terrorism in “War and Public Health” (2008) and “Terrorism and Public Health” (2011) published by Oxford University Press.

Tim Takaro
Regional Vice President (North America)
Dr. Takaro is a physician-scientist trained in occupational and environmental medicine, public health and toxicology. He has been a member of IPPNW since 1983, first in US and now Canada. His research has focused on the links between human exposures and disease, and determining effective public health based preventive solutions to such risks. Currently, this includes climate impacts on water resources and future conflict. Takaro served as the Canadian co-chair of the Health Professionals Advisory Board to the International Joint Commission on border waters and was a lead author for Health of Canadians in a Changing Climate: Advancing Our Knowledge for Action (Feb 2022). A lack of government response to the overwhelming evidence that we must stop building new large fossil energy infrastructure has led him into non-violent civil disobedience to stop the Trans Mountain pipeline expansion and other such projects. In 2022 Dr. Takaro became a professor emeritus of Simon Fraser University where he continues to mentor and do research with knowledge mobilization.

Igor Korneyev
Regional Vice President (Russia/CIS)
Igor Korneyev, MD, PhD, D.Sc, joined IPPNW in 1986 as a student and became a Chairman of Russian PPNW student section focusing activities on students and schoolchildren information about the possible effects of nuclear weapons and radioactive contamination of the environment. He works as Professor of the Department of Urology in Pavlov University since 2008, reproductive urology is his main area of professional interest.
Mirza Ali Azhar
Regional Vice President (South Asia)
Medical Student Representatives

Walusungu Mtonga
Walusungu Mtonga comes from Lusaka, Zambia. He holds a premedical degree in Human Biology and is currently in his final year of clinical clerkship at the University of Zambia pursuing a Bachelor’s degree in Medicine and General Surgery. He also works as a part time medical intern at Prudential Life Assurance Zambia. He is the newly elected Co-International Student Representative (ISR) for IPPNW and the Zambia Health Workers for Social Responsibility (ZHSR) Student Chapter Chairperson.
Walusungu was inspired to work for peace by his late father Dr Bob Mtonga who dedicated his life to lending a helping hand to save humanity whenever he got the opportunity to do so. Having had such a great inspiration, he has embarked on a similar path and is actively involved in tackling the peculiar problems of the African continent, especially related to health.
Walusungu is passionate about public health and finding solutions to Global health threats especially in times like these were human existence itself is at risk of extinction due to the current climate crises and threat of use of devastating weapons.
In his free time, he spends time with his family and friends, watches and participates in various sporting activities and reads a lot of books.

Stella Ziegler
I am Stella, a 23 year-old medical student at the faculty of Charité Berlin and the IPPNW Student Representative of Germany, as well as an active member in the student’s group here. In April 2023 at the IPPNW World Congress in Mombasa I was also elected one of the International Student Representatives and am very happy to continue great work with the Student Chapters. I have been living in Berlin for 4 years now, after moving here from my hometown Vienna, Austria. You can usually find me at a protest, museum, cafes with friends, dancing or reading in a park.
I am an activist in several projects concerning human rights, refugee situations, climate crisis/protection and health. For IPPNW, I enjoy organising activities with my local group in Berlin, such as talks, protests and charity events. As Student Representative I am constantly learning and want focus on building bridges between students from different countries, IPPNW members from different generations and the student work with the IPPNW board.
Undeniably, the last years with Covid were hard for everyone – on an individual level but also for our student initiatives – which is why I am filled with joy to have met so many creative minds at the World Congress and pick up our work again with the same strong energy. Being confronted with so many global crises that seem insurmountable can be though, but I believe that sharing opinions and being part of an active community is essential for staying hopeful and motivated in fighting these challenges together.
At-Large Members

Inga Blum
Dr. Inga Blum is a neurologist from Hamburg, Germany currently specializing in family medicine. She joined IPPNW as a medical student with an interest in global health and justice and got involved in ICAN at its founding at the IPPNW World Congress in Helsinki in 2006. In her view the abolition of nuclear weapons is not only an urgent necessity because of the acute danger nuclear weapons pose for global survival but likewise a great chance to shift international security policies from being based on the threat of mutual annihilation to a human security system based on cooperation.
Having witnessed the constant failure of disarmament conferences as a member of IPPNW Delegations she initiated a study on attitudes towards nuclear weapons among political decision-makers at the University of Hamburg.
She has conducted numerous workshops and delivered speeches with a special focus on motivating the next generation to get active for nuclear disarmament and is active in promoting the Ban Treaty in Germany.
She served on the board of the German section of IPPNW from 2013 to 2021 and has started the annual IPPNW Summer Camp to protest against the stationing of NATO nuclear weapons in Büchel, Rhineland-Palatinate.

Ira Helfand
United States of America
Dr. Ira Helfand is a member of the International Steering Group of the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapon (ICAN) and is a co-Founder and Past President of Physicians for Social Responsibility, IPPNW’s US affiliate.
He represented ICAN at historic intergovernmental meetings to address the humanitarian impacts of nuclear war and at key United Nations assemblies that led to the successful negotiation of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons.
The recipient of numerous leadership awards, Dr. Helfand has published studies on the medical consequences of nuclear war in the New England Journal of Medicine, the British Medical Journal, the Lancet and the World Medical Journal, and has delivered countless lectures around the world on the health effects of nuclear weapons. He represented PSR and IPPNW at the Nobel ceremonies in Oslo in December 2009, honoring President Obama, and presented their new report, Nuclear Famine: One Billion People at Risk, at the Nobel Peace Laureates Summit in Chicago in April of 2012. A second edition was released in December of 2013.
Dr. Helfand was educated at Harvard College and the Albert Einstein College of Medicine. He is a former chairman of the Department of Emergency Medicine and President of the Medical Staff at Cooley Dickinson Hospital, and is a retired internist and urgent care physician at Family Care Medical Center in Western Massachusetts.

Bimal Khadka
United Kingdom
Dr. Bimal Khadka is a Emergency Specialist Doctor, training in the UK. He graduated with a partial scholarship as a doctor from B P Koirala Institute of Health Sciences, in Eastern Nepal and was an Oxford scholarship recipient for Clinical Neuroscience.
Dr Khadka joined Physician for Social Responsibility Nepal in his 1st week of Medical school, aged 17, as an Activities Coordinator, organized rescue and funds collection during the earthquake in Nepal 2015.
Dr. Khadka was elected as an International IPPNW Student Representative (ISR) in 2014-2017 during 21st IPPNW Congress in Astana, Kazakhstan. During his tenure, he expanded IPPNW student movement with different projects- 1st Pan Asia Youth IPPNW Conference, Nuclear weapons Inheritance Project, Break the chain- Aiming for Prevention, grass root activism in global south, discussion with dialogue makers and collaboration among north and south youth activist. In 2017, he also coordinated IPPNW Students congress at York, UK which was preceded by IPPNW Bike Tour from Faslane to York 550 km.
He has also served as Deputy Board Chair (2020-2023) where he coordinated for IPPNW Bike Tour from Nairobi to Mombasa 500 km . He is bridging gap between inter- generational work, global north and south; collaborating with various partners; and exploring on developing consensus on revival and recruitment of IPPNW junior doctors and students movement by creating the roles in a non-partisan federation of national medical groups in over 60 countries, representing tens of thousands of doctors, medical students, other health workers, and concerned citizens who share the common goal of creating a more peaceful and secure world freed from the threat of nuclear annihilation, climate change and armed violence.
Dr. Khadka is also Editorial Board member of Medicine, Conflict and Survival, Medact Journal since 2017 and member at Medact Nuclear Weapons Group.
Connect with Bimal on Twitter: @drbimalkhadka

Ruth Mitchell
Board Chair
Dr. Ruth Mitchell is a neurosurgeon and cancer researcher based in Sydney, Australia. She joined IPPNW in her first year of medical school in 2004, and has previously served as International Student Representative, Regional Vice President for South East Asia Pacific, and as Deputy Chair of the Board of IPPNW. As a medical student she participated in the Nuclear Weapons Inheritance Project, including dialogues in China, Russia and the United Kingdom.
Dr. Mitchell has been an active member of the Medical Association of the Prevention of War (Australia) since 2004, and has served as Student Representative and Vice President of that IPPNW affiliate.
She has been involved in the work of the International Campaign for the Prevention of Nuclear War (ICAN) since its inception, and is currently Co-Chair of the Board of ICAN Australia.
Ruth is passionate about strengthening the peace movement around the world and ensuring our work is intentionally anti-racist, feminist, decolonising, and environmentally sustainable.
As an activist doctor, Ruth believes in the power of bearing witness and listening carefully to the stories from the bedside. Centering and amplifying the voices of survivors of both nuclear weapons and small arms is of paramount importance to her.
Connect with Ruth on Twitter: @drruthmitchell

Arun Mitra
Dr. Arun Mitra is an Ear Nose Throat Surgeon by profession working as consultant in the city of Ludhiana in Punjab state in India. He is National President of Indian Doctors for Peace and Development (IDPD). He is immediate past Co-President International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War (IPPNW).
He has been actively involved in the peace movement since his student days as an active member of All India Peace and Solidarity Organisation (AIPSO) an affiliate of World Peace Council. He was the key person in organizing the 18th World Congress of IPPNW at New Delhi. He has also been actively involved in organizing South Asian regional meetings of IPPNW affiliates.
He is actively involved in the movement for building scientific temper and promotion of healthy environment.
Dedicated to the uplift of medical profession he worked hard for the betterment of working conditions of doctors. He has been the member of the Central Working Committee of Indian Medical Association (IMA).
He has been persistently writing on the issue of Peace, Health, Scientific Temper and Promotion of Health Environment in various English and vernacular print and electronic media and giving interviews to various Electronic & Social media.
Connect with Arun on Twitter: @DrArunMitra51

Sally Ndung'u
Dr. Sally Ndung’u is a Public Health specialist based in Kenya with background training in medicine and surgery. She is a healthcare manager working as a medical superintendent in a level IV government health facility in Kenya. She has been a peace advocate through IPPNW since 2013 and in the past has represented the organization as African student representative, Regional Vice president for Africa and vice chair of the international board. She is passionate about steering a more active nuclear disarmament campaign in Africa by bridging the existing knowledge gap in the region on the humanitarian consequences of nuclear weapons.

Tilman Ruff
Dr. Tilman Ruff AO is an infectious diseases and public health physician. He is Honorary Principal Fellow in the School of Population and Global Health, University of Melbourne. Dr. Ruff was a Co-President of IPPNW from 2012 to 2023. He has been active in the Medical Association for Prevention of War (Australia) since 1982 and a past national President; and was South-east Asia Pacific vice-president of IPPNW from 1989-93 and 2010-12. He was a co-founder and founding chair of the governing bodies of the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN) in Australia and internationally. Dr. Ruff was director of travel medicine at Royal Melbourne Hospital, worked on hepatitis B control, immunisation and maternal and child health in Indonesia and Pacific island countries; and documented the link between nuclear testing and outbreaks of ciguatera fish poisoning in the Pacific. He was Australian Red Cross international medical advisor 1996- 2019 and founding member of the WHO Western Pacific Expert Resource Panel on Hepatitis B Control. In 2012, he was appointed a Member of the Order of Australia “for service to the promotion of peace as an advocate for the abolition of nuclear weapons, and to public health through the promotion of immunisation programs in the South-East Asia – Pacific region” This national honour was upgraded in 2019.
Connect with Tilman on Twitter: @tilmanaruff

Knut Mork Skagen
Knut Mork Skagen is a child and adolescent psychiatrist based in Trondheim, Norway. His clinical interests are in psychotherapy and the social determinants of mental health, and he serves on the committee for social psychiatry under the Norwegian Psychiatric Association.
Dr. Skagen has been vice chair of the Norwegian affiliate of IPPNW since 2019, and in 2020 he co-founded and has since served as chair of the Norwegian Physicians’ Campaign against Climate Change. He works to mobilize the health care community to speak out and act on social and political issues. As a child psychiatrist he is particularly concerned with the impacts of violence, war and climate change on the mental health of young people, and on issues of transgenerational responsibility and justice. Children and adolescents are often among those who suffer most during conflict and crisis, and a crucial part of peace work is creating opportunities for their voices to be heard.
Connect with Knut on Twitter: @kmskagen
Ex-Officio Members

Bjørn Hilt
Speaker of the International Council
Dr. Hilt has been a member of the Norwegian affiliate of IPPNW since it was founded in 1982. Since 1998, he has been a board member of that affiliate, and from 1999 to 2004 its leader. From 2004 to 2008, he was the European Regional Vice President of IPPNW, and since September 2006 at the Helsinki World Congress, he was elected chairman of the Board of IPPNW and served in that position 2006-2012 and 2014-2021. From 2021 he was elected speaker of IPPNW’s International Council.
Dr. Hilt is a retired senior consultant at the Department of Occupational Medicine at the St. Olav University Hospital, and professor emeritus at the Department of Public Health and Nursing at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology in Trondheim, Norway. His main professional interests are in occupational diseases and preventive medicine in general. He is married, and is blessed with two sons and six grandchildren.

Kamrul Khan
Deputy Speaker International Council
Prof. Dr. Kamrul Hasan Khan is a Bangladeshi Postgraduate (Pathology) Medical Doctor. He was Vice Chancellor of Bangabondhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University (BSMMU) at Dhaka. Dr. Kamrul is a Freedom Fighter of Liberation War of Bangladesh in 1971. He is Founder and President of Physicians for Social Responsibility, Bangladesh. He was Honoured by 7th Asia’s Education Excellence Award in 2016 at Singapore. He was Vice president and present EC member of Bangladesh Medical Association (BMA). He is Founder and Life Advisor of Sandhani-a voluntary organisation of Medical Students works with Voluntary blood donation and posthumously eye donation. He was President of Sandhani Eye donation Society. He is Secretary General of Central professionals bodies of Bangladesh. He was Senate member of Dhaka University. Dr. Kamrul was Council Member of Bangladesh Medical and Dental Council(BMDC) and Former Executive Member of Bangladesh Medical Research Council (BMRC). He is actively involved with IPPNW since 1990. He was Deputy Counselor from 1997 and International Counselor from 2004 until now. He performed responsibility as Regional Vice President (RVP) of South Asia (2006-2008 and 2017-2021). In 1999 as a representative of IPPNW had meetings with Policy makers of NATO and NEU. Dr. Khan is Board member of Mahatma Ghandi Asram Trust. He usually participates in TV Talk Shows and writes in the leading news paper as Culmnist.