International Physicians
for the Prevention of Nuclear War

IPPNW Associate

Join the IPPNW Associate Program and become a NUCLEAR WAR PREVENTER

The IPPNW Associate Program is the new heartbeat of a growing global IPPNW movement.


  • Be able to participate in the worldwide peace and health actions of IPPNW and our affiliate networks;
  • Be invited to special events, both digital and at international meetings;
  • Receive special appreciation and acknowledgement on our website and in our publications;
  • Receive a personalized, beautiful certificate signed by IPPNW leaders and an “IPPNW War Preventer” pin.

Your contribution to become an IPPNW Associate will help us expand our activist and donor base to keep IPPNW growing, vibrant and effective and strengthen our critical work to abolish nuclear weapons and advocate for peace.

And, since we do not have affiliates in all countries, or we have small affiliates without a broad organizational structure, becoming an IPPNW Associate will provide you a welcomed space in our international “IPPNW family.” 

How do you become an IPPNW Associate? 

The Associate Program is open to physicians, nurses, medical students, all other health workers, and people who want to support our cause.

Requested Contributions (minimum):

  • Physicians or other doctoral level:
    • High income:  $120/year or $500 for 5-year- advance payment
    • Low income: $80/year or $350 for 5-year advance payment
  • Other health workers:
    • $80/year or $350 for 5-year-advance payment
  • Students and young doctors or other young health workers (first two years): $40/year


To join, please contact: 


Tax deductible depending on country of residence and/or affiliate cooperation.