In 2023, IPPNW created a Swiss independent association called IPPNW-Geneva Liaison Office, a new separate entity of not-for-profit public utility whose purpose is to support and advance the mission of IPPNW.
The Swiss association strengthens IPPNW’s global network of 56 national organizations and our partners in the health community worldwide. By establishing a permanent presence in Geneva, the “World Capital of Peace”, IPPNW is better able to use its NGO status with the United Nations and its formal relationship with the World Health Organization to advance its work. IPPNW can leverage its international credibility by engaging the Geneva-based diplomatic community, NGOs, and our health partners in advancing understanding of the Humanitarian Impacts of Nuclear Weapons and the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW).
Our new Geneva office has already succeeded in using IPPNW’s connections with key health leaders to co-author an August-September 2023 editorial of more than 150 health and medical journals worldwide, led by the British Medical Journal and The Lancet, entitled Reducing the Risk of Nuclear War: The Role of Health Professionals – calling on “health professional associations to inform their members worldwide about the threat to human survival and to join with the IPPNW to support efforts to reduce the near term risks of nuclear war”.
Moving forward, a top current priority of IPPNW-Geneva Liaison Office, is to convince the World Health Organization (WHO) to update their 1987 report on The Effects of Nuclear War on Health and Health Services and by formally recognizing the duty of health professionals to help prevent the greatest immediate threat to the health and well-being of humanity and affirming through scientific evidence that “medical services would have little or nothing to offer injured survivors, and…the only realistic preparation for a nuclear war is to work for its prevention”.
0n 12 April, 2024, Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, WHO Director-General, announced his support for updating the 1987 report at a meeting with IPPNW Policy Director, Chuck Johnson and our partners, further indicating he wishes to move forward quickly, as this report is long overdue. As the Director-General believes and frequently says, “There cannot be health without peace nor peace without health.”

IPPNW-Geneva Liaison Office Director, Chuck Johnson, meets Dr. Tedros Ghebreysus, WHO Director-General and ICAN Executive Director, Melissa Parke (5th and 6th from left), and WHO and ICAN staff.

IPPNW WHA Event Team, L-R Front: Jenny Cole, volunteer; Lea Renaudet, intern; Alex Reidon, Admin and HR Manager; Dr. Kati Juva, IPPNW co-president and emcee; Cynthia Hurst, director of development; L-R Back: Ilian Halbertsma, intern; Dr. Urs Rüegg, treasurer; Dr. Tilman Ruff, IPPNW board member; Chuck Johnson, Director, IPPNW Geneva Liaison Office.
Meet the Geneva Team

Jennifer Cole assists with event coordination and helps with outreach to German-speaking folks. She is originally from Australia and has worked in serveral countries, including establishing Brink’s Global Services’ start-up in China.

Chuck Johnson directs the Geneva Liaison office. His life’s work has been to protect our world from the devastating effects of nuclear weapons. Chuck has been on staff with IPPNW since 2018.

Alexandra Reidon is the Administrative and Financial Manager for the Geneva office. She focuses on administrative duties, while assisting the Geneva director and the IPPNW development director. Alex brings with her the experience of helping to establish ICAN in Switzerland.

Dr. Urs Rüegg is IPPNW Geneva’s treasurer and also serves on IPPNW’s International Council. He is a retired Professor of Pharmacology from the University of Geneva and his assistance with navigating financial and legal matters in Switzerland and his willingness to connect staff with key Swiss allies are invaluable.
IPPNW Geneva Liaison Office SDG Solutions Space Campus Biotech Innovation Park 15, av. de Secheron 1202 Geneve, Switzerland